- (?), "Fanny" to (?), Lillie A
- (?), Lillie M. to Adams, Samuel
- Adams, Samuel (Capt) to Armstrong, Woodford Corbin
- Armstrong, Woodford Corbin to Beringer, William Herman
- Bernard, Francis to Briley, Vern
- Brink, Donna Isabell to Burns, Stella
- Burt, Julia to Chelf, Hugh Tucker
- Cherrie, Charles Lafayette to Cox, Thomas Jr
- Coy, Hulda "Ella" to Derksen, Peter James
- Desing, Franz to Eliot, Roy B.
- Ellerson, Carrie to Flickema, Gertrude "Gertie" Louise
- Flickinger, Sandra J. to Gorman, Winfield Scott
- Gorordo, Francisco Javier y Dominguez to Hancock, William Henry
- Handy, Harry Hunter Smith to Herrill, William O.
- Herriman, Charles to Hutt, Frances
- Hutter, Edward S. to Keif, Maria (Mary)
- Keith, Jennie to Lehman, Mary
- Lehmann, Mariana to Mattice, Virginia
- Mauck, Eddie (?) to Miller, R. H.
- Miller, Samuel to Norris, Thomas
- North, Annie Heyward to Peterman, Newton
- Peters, Clara to Procter, Frederick Cocke
- Proctor, Bessie to Roberts, William Henry Harrison
- Robertson, Anna Garnet to Shaw, Kenneth E.
- Shawcross, Alice to Spann, Betty
- Sparks, Anna Marie to Stewart, Polk J.
- Stiffler, Esta Katherine to Todd, Rachel
- Tollefson, Bernhard to Walker, Woodrow W
- Walkup, Frank Clifford to Williford, Norah(Naura) M
- Willimot, Eilzabeth "Betsy" to Zollinger, Leona Katherine